Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bitola is founded in 1977 by transforming then existing Higher – vocational – technical school, (1961). This Faculty is the unit of “St.Kliment Ohridski” University – Bitola, since the establishing of the University in 1979. Considering the large number of students, (around 7675 graduated engineers), and numerous academic staff, (49 professors), the Faculty practically represents a polytechnic university with five departments:
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Electrical Engineering;
- Traffic and Transport;
- Graphical Engineering;
- Industrial Engineering and Management.
Therefore, the Faculty cover distinct scientific research fields and areas in whose framework the teaching of various study programs is conducted. Additionally, there is one interdisciplinary study program of Mechatronics, as well as one joint study program of Informatics and Technical Education, developed by Faculty of Technical Sciences and Faculty of Education.
The study program of Traffic and Transport Engineering was introduced in 1972 and from then, the Department is characterized with unique academic offer in all cycles in this field in the country. Therefore, it offers several programs in all study cycles: first, second and third. So far, around 2380 students had graduated at programs offered in the first cycle, 86 in the second cycle, as well as 25 in the third cycle. The activities are also based on the broad research experience and the modern study programs are planned focusing on the interdisciplinary aspect of traffic and transport problems and their solutions.
Within this Department, 15 professors are working in different fields of expertise, covering a wide range of academic and applied research in traffic and transport. Therefore, the staff has strong project portfolio, including projects granted by TEMPUS, FP6, FP7 and other international and national grants. In addition, there is a laboratory equipped with software for transport planning on macro and micro scale, safety in transport, transport economy and environmental impacts. Thus, the academic staff and the laboratory equipment enable the Department to gain the reputation, experience, as well as continuing interest and perpetuation of activities and efforts.
In order to strengthen international cooperation and to upgrade its own scientific potential, the Department dedicates significant attention to bilateral cooperation, as well as to mobility exchange of academic staff and students.