Associate Professor

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering

Scientific–research field: Transport Policy, Mobility Management

Title of the guest lecture: Mobility management – Congestion pricing model vs. Mobility credits model


Traffic congestion is one of the biggest global problem. Traffic congestion is particularly pronounced in urban areas, especially in the central zones of cities. The negative effects of congestion are multiple, and can be grouped into economic, social, health, environmental and financial. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two mobility management policies aimed at reducing congestion and the negative impacts of traffic congestion. The two models analyzed in the paper are the Congestion pricing model and the Mobility credits model. Both models successfully can solve the problem of traffic congestion, but on the other hand they have their own specifics, advantages and disadvantages. The congestion collection model already exists in a number of cities in the world with visible results while the Mobility Credits model is still not applied in practice. The paper gives an overview of previous research as well as a comparative analysis of the two models.